Fawning Critics Don't Say Book Was Fraud, FoxNews.Com, April 4, 2002.
Green or Gray?, TechCentralStation, April 3, 2002.
Democrats vs. New Media, TechCentralStation, March 27, 2002.
Withdrawal Symptoms, TechCentralStation, March 20, 2002.
Federal Courts Choked with Bureaucracy, FoxNews, March 19, 2002.
Patriotism and Preferences, TechCentralStation, March 13, 2002.
Republicans Should Back Recording Artists, Consumers, FoxNews, March 7, 2002.
Free Speech Under Attack, TechCentralStation, March 6, 2002.
Cracking the Shell, TechCentralStation, February 27, 2002.
Cloning Opponents Haven't Made Their Case, FoxNews.Com, February 21, 2002.
Little Things, TechCentralStation, February 20, 2002.
Changing the World, Below the Radar, TechCentralStation, February 13, 2002.
Overselling International Law, FoxNews.Com, February 7, 2002.
Rights and Wrongs, TechCentralStation, February 6, 2002.
Learning Faster, TechCentralStation, January 30, 2002.
The Kass Council: Some Advice, TechCentralStation, January 23, 2002.
How Do We Know It's Wrong?, Newsday, January 20, 2002.
The Enron Scandal: A Guide, FoxNews.Com, January 16, 2001.
The Comfy-Chair Revolution, TechCentralStation, January 16, 2001.
A Technological Reformation, TechCentralStation, January 9, 2002.
Rocket to Nowhere, TechCentralStation, January 3, 2002.
The Op-Ed's Hidden Agenda, FoxNews.Com, January 2, 2002.
Community by the Book, Wall Street Journal, December 28, 2001.
Preventing Nanoterror Now, TechCentralStation, December 27, 2001.
The Academy Encounters the Real World, FoxNews.Com, December 13, 2001.
Don't Be Afraid. Don't Be Very Afraid: Nanotechnology Worries are Overblown, TechCentralStation, December 6, 2001.
Whose Right on Bearing Arms? Second Amendment Means What It Says, Boston Globe, November 25, 2001. (A colloquy with Jack Rakove of Stanford; read his piece here). (These links probably won't last -- Globe links tend to be temporary -- so this piece is also below).
Opening Argument (Review of Larry Lessig's The Future of Ideas: The Fate of the Commons in a Connected World), Washington Post, November 18, 2001.
A Right of the People: The Meaning of the Emerson Decision, National Review Online, October 25, 2001 (with Dave Kopel).
Terrorists Failed in their Ultimate Mission, FoxNews.Com, October 17, 2001.
Up With the People, National Review Online, October 10-11, 2001 (with Dave Kopel) (reviewing NBC's miniseries Uprising, about the Warsaw Ghetto revolt).
Gun Control Book Based on Faulty Data, FoxNews.Com, October 10, 2001.
Don't Sacrifice Freedom, FoxNews.Com, September 15, 2001.
Another Bad Treaty, National Review Online, September 6, 2001 (with Dave Kopel).
Political Science, National Review Online, August 29, 2001 (with Dave Kopel).
Persecuting Jenna, and Ourselves, National Review Online, June 5, 2001 (with Dave Kopel).
One Trigger-happy Attorney, National Review Online, April 30, 2001 (with Dave Kopel).
Should Cloning be Legal? It's Not a Federal Question, National Review Online, April 16, 2001 (with Dave Kopel).
Techno Worries Miss the Target, IntellectualCapital.Com, June 8, 2000.
Satellite Pics Are Free Speech, Space.Com, March 27, 2000.